9 February 2014


Eu sou bastante básica no quesito maquiagem, acessórios e afins. Mas quando o assunto é perfume eu levo bem a sério! (rs) O aroma ou o cheiro (como queiram) de uma pessoa pra mim é como um cartão de visitas, que somado ao olhar e ao sorriso – ou falta dele –, imprime aquela primeira impressão. Desde que me conheço por gente tenho um olfato super apurado (podem perguntar a qualquer pessoa que me conheça, juro!) o que me rendeu uma certa adoração por perfumes e isso me levou a procurar mais, ler mais e, claro, experimentar mais. Depois de muito tempo passeando entre dois perfumes, descobri há dois anos aquele que veio pra ficar, o Blanche, da Byredo. Não por acaso, ou por um feliz acaso, vou me gabar só um pouquinho, descobri algum tempo depois que era o mesmo perfume de uma figura que é minha maior inspiração no quesito ‘moda-estilo’, a sueca Elin Kling, por quem me apaixonei em 2011! Olhem o que ela disse sobre o assunto em uma entrevista à Emily Weiss, do Into the Gloss, em agosto de 2012:

If I go to a meeting, I’ll wear a heavier perfume. It gives me a little more confidence...I feel a little stronger. Depending on how I’m dressed or who I’m meeting, I’ll change up my scent. In meetings, sometimes people don’t expect too much of me, so I get to surprise them—I like my fragrance to represent the strength in that. But if I’m having a more casual day, then my fragrance will be lighter. It’s a kind of a post-feminist way of thinking about it. Sometimes I’ll use my boyfriend’s fragrance. His Margiela scent is wonderful." 

(clique aqui para ler a entrevista na íntegra)

Essa, pra mim, é a tradução do que um perfume pode representar no seu dia-a-dia. Então fica aqui a dica, preste mais atenção ao que você comunica com seu perfume, que impressão você quer deixar? Eu gosto de sutilezas e acho que, assim como aquela velha história do ‘menos é mais’, o perfume muitas vezes pode substituir aquele acessório visual por um mais sutil, porém igualmente sensitivo.

Elin Kling


When it comes to accessories, make up and other visual stuff I must say I’m quite basic. But when it comes to perfumes and scents, well, I tend to take things really seriously! [joking] A scent – together with the eyes and a nice smile (or the lack of it) – are as powerful as a business card, I mean, they send the same kind of message as to who that person wants us to think they are. Since always (really) I’ve had a very sensitive nose and that lead me to reading and searching more what perfumes were all about. For years I’ve been wearing basically the same two perfumes, but two years ago I found THE one, Blanche, from Byredo and I’ve had it as my scent ever since. Not by chance, or by a very nice coincidence (let me cheerful and silly for a while here), that’s the same scent of my favourite and most inspiring feminine figure in the fashion industry, Elin Kling, with whom I’ve been inspirationally in love since 2011! So, on that matter, have a look at what she told Emily Weiss, at Into the Gloss, in an interview back in 2012:

If I go to a meeting, I’ll wear a heavier perfume. It gives me a little more confidence...I feel a little stronger. Depending on how I’m dressed or who I’m meeting, I’ll change up my scent. In meetings, sometimes people don’t expect too much of me, so I get to surprise them—I like my fragrance to represent the strength in that. But if I’m having a more casual day, then my fragrance will be lighter. It’s a kind of a post-feminist way of thinking about it. Sometimes I’ll use my boyfriend’s fragrance. His Margiela scent is wonderful." (click here for the full interview at Into the Gloss)

For me, this is the perfect explanation, or translation if you like, of what a perfume can represent in your daily life. Yeah, sounds big, but in fact it’s quite simple. So here’s a nice tip: be as careful with what your fragrance as you are with your accessories and clothes. It can send a quite strong message, so what’s the message you’ve been sending? I like subtle and delicate things in all matters, so I believe a nice fragrance can send the perfect message if you like to style yourself in that ‘less is more’ manner.

Photo by Emily Weiss, Into the Gloss.

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