5 April 2014

The Vogue Festival 2014, part II: What I saw.

Um dos raros momentos da minha vida social em que eu pude sentar por alguns (vários) minutos e só observar o que acontecia ao meu redor. Não se trata de observar-julgar, mas de observar-entreter, perceber detalhes, perceber o que o outro quis comunicar. Nem sempre pensamos em ‘comunicar’ quando nos vestimos todos os dias, mas talvez a ‘conversa’ com o outro, o mundo, desse jeito meio bobo de se mostrar já seja parte inerente do processo de se ‘estar no mundo’.
No final das contas imperou o conforto na hora de sair de casa!


One of those rare moments of my social life when I had the privilege of just observe those around me while chilling in a sofa. But it was not about a judgmental observation; it was all about entertaining your eyes, paying attention to every little detail of what you saw, of what the other was trying to communicate. I guess we don’t always feel like we’re communicating when we dress up every morning, but it might be that the whole conversational thing is just so intricate in the way we how ourselves to the world, the way we want to be in the world.
In the end, comfort was basically the rule for most people attending the festival.

Senso de humor.
Good humour. 

Manicure de graça e com graça.
Free and kind manicure.

Ela foi tão simpática. E sorriu com um azul marinho igualmente gracioso.
This girl was so nice. And her smile was as graceful as her navy blue attire.

Foto tirada pela querida Sarah Moss.
Photographed by dearly Sarah Moss.

Era dia das mães e havia várias delas por lá.
It was Mother's Day and there were many of them at the venue.

Lucinda Chambers, fashion director da Vogue UK, provou que styling pode ser lúdico e exige sensibilidade e generosidade.
Lucinda Chambers, Vogue UK fashion director, proved that styling can be really fun yet demanding high levels of sensibility and generosity. 

Phoebe Philo, da Céline, colocando sua filosofia minimalista + conforto em prática, enquanto a editora chefe da Vogue UK Alexandra Schuman se revirava pra parecer confortável.
Phoebe Philo, Céline's amazing designer, proving the awesome coolness of her minimalism + comfort philosophy, whereas Alexandra Schuman seemed to put some extra effort into looking rather comfortable.

Havia poucos homens, mas havia.
There were few men, but they were there.

Vale levar a melhor amiga e combinar os estilos.
Take your best friend and match your vibes.

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